The after-school Environmental Curriculum continues with the Raggies (Grades 6 and 7) as the students learn more about ocean ecosystems, by designing and carrying out their own ocean experiment during the Rocky Shore Biodiversity term, and how to minimise their impact through the Ocean Coexistence and Our Ocean as a Resource terms. Ocean Research allows students to explore (and sometimes contribute to) some of the incredible projects happening along South Africa’s coasts, as well as offshore, on our sub-Antarctic islands and even on Antarctica itself. Ocean Ambassadors encourages the students to become a voice for the environment by showing them the messages of preservation and coexistence being shared by Ocean Warriors across the globe.
- Ragged-tooth shark
- Scientific Name: Carcharias taurus
- Other Names: Sand tiger shark (USA) or grey nurse shark (Australia)
- IUCN Status: VU (Vulnerable)
- Distribution: Subtropical and temperate waters worldwide, it inhabits the continental shelf, from sandy shorelines and submerged reefs to a depth of around 191 m.
- Average Adult Length: 3.2 m
- Reproduction: Raggies are ovoviviparous. This means that the embryo hatches from the egg while still inside the shark, where it feeds off its own yolk sac, and others, until it is big enough to be born.
- Interesting Fact: Intrauterine cannibalism – While still in the womb, the pup “hatched” first will eat its siblings and other embryos produced by the mother.